About me
Greetiiiiiiings. My name is Jénnelle Victoria. I am a mother of 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls. I am Canadian born, of Jamaican heritage. “Sacred Bijoux” is my creative endeavour where I enjoy making beaded, gemstone and culturally inspired jewellery. I have a community organization, “Harakati Evolution”, that is targeted to the African/Caribbean community. It promotes African/Caribbean Arts, history and culture and provides aid to the general community at large. I am also a Spiritual Life Coach, and I am passionate about the performing arts.
My breast cancer story
In November of 2023, as I was looking for something in my room, my arm brushed across my right breast, and I could feel a lump. I’ve experienced issues with this particular breast before. I had mammograms and breast exams that presented negative results for anything alarming, so I didn’t think much of it. But then the lump grew rather quickly from a pea size lump to a large gumball within a couple weeks…. “Okay, wait a minute now. This can’t be good” was the thought that came to my head. This led to booking an appointment with my family doctor. I noticed there seemed to be a theme around the health care professionals outside of those in the cancer centre of me being “too young.” Nevertheless, I didn’t face resistance when it came to further investigation into what was happening with me.
An appointment with my family doctor, which came to the possible conclusion of a benign cyst, led to an ultrasound that came to the possible conclusion of a harmless nodule, led to a breast biopsy that came to the final diagnosis of “Invasive Ductal Carcinoma” HER2 Triple positive breast cancer. Stage 2. I was devastated. I cried hysterically. I remember asking God, “What is this? You know I already have enough on my plate and now you give me THIS! WHY?!”
It’s interesting because for years I’ve given advice to others on how to get through hard times- how to improve their wellbeing with heartwarming results and now I’m battling a life-or-death disease, depression and financial loss. I was planning on launching a project through my community organization, only to be stopped in my tracks by this disease. Sadness turned to anger, anger to grief quickly. I just couldn’t accept the diagnosis. Why me?….but on the other hand, why not me? There’s so much to be done. What about my kids? I’ve dealt with so many delays and loss and when I think I’m finally going to get something off the ground, cancer becomes another roadblock. I love to love people. I enjoy helping others. And now I couldn’t move forward, again. I did not realize that the love I wanted to give the community and by extension the world I was not giving to myself. I refused to give myself grace.
I later met my surgeon, head nurse, and oncologist and began treatment on April 12th, 2024, my 39th birthday. I struggled with fatigue, weight gain, lack of appetite, pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression. I’m a go-getter and having to slow down drastically messed with my mental health. Again, I couldn’t extend grace to myself. Robbed myself of my own humanity. Thank God for the family and friends in my life that extended their hearts in my time of need. Ironically, I needed to slow down and be taught things about myself, life and God that I wasn’t aware of before. There’s nothing like having daily counselling sessions with The High High while you’re ill to get you back aligned with who you are.
Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and HER2 related infusions are still ongoing with promising results. Once upon a time I couldn’t speak of the diagnosis without crying. There were times I did not know how I would make it through. But now I am at peace with this journey regardless of how tough it has been. God has shown me that He knows best (Jeremiah 29:11).
My resilience is King. God has shown me how strong I am, something I did not want to acknowledge. My life is not solely my own. My story as well as others on this journey will help to inspire and comfort others in their fight against this disease. To whomever is reading this, know that you are great, you are loved, and you can conquer any mountain that is in front of you.
Peace and Blessings.