About Me
My name is Naina, I’m 53 years young and of East Indian descent. I’m divorced and a mom of 2 daughters: Isabelle 25 and Gillian 20 who live with me full time.
My Breast Cancer Story
My “journey” started one night while I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Thought I should give myself a check and noticed a little bump. My breasts are small and not lumpy?!? I had a mammogram the May prior so I thought it was a cyst and wasn’t too concerned. However, I did make a doctor’s appointment and ended up getting an ultrasound. It was inconclusive, and I was told I should follow up in 3 months. So from February till May, which was my next appointment, showed something, because that’s when the hospital called wanting to do another ultrasound which I complied. Then two days after the ultrasound, they called saying the surgeon wanted to see me. At this point, I still thought. “cyst nothing too serious”?!?? Then the surgeon told me my ultrasound was concerning. I said, “how concerning out of 10?” He said “8”. And I was still in denial and said. “Could be anything right?!”
He said “cancer”. I went for a mammogram and biopsy right then. In my mind, I was thinking, “this happens to other people not me… doesn’t run in my family.” A week after I got my results and 14 days later I went for a lumpectomy. I had a port put in. Chemo. Radiation. It all happened so quickly. And I think that was a blessing. I still go for Herceptin till November and continue waiting for my hair to grow.
This has been a very challenging time but I have taken one day at a time and hopefully not let it stress me out too much. It just takes time as everything does.
I Want You to Know
There is nothing that can prepare you…but to know one way or the other gives you power. Even if your mammogram comes back clear, if you feel a lump you need to press for more imaging.
It took me two ultrasounds to find out. Persevere so you have choices with your health….your future.
Diagnosed at 52