Op-ed by DBC co-founder/executive director Jennie Dale
septembre 8, 2022
The same breast screening guidelines Congress deemed too dangerous for American women continue to be used in Canada-putting thousands of Canadian women at risk of later-stage diagnoses, harsher treatments, and...
Andrea Douglas guest blog: Inadequate breast screening is costing women’s lives
août 18, 2022
Today I listened to Howard tell his wife?s story. I don?t know Howard. Or his wife. I don?t know their last names. I was listening to CBC Radio?s Ontario Today episode...
In memory of Sharon Olson
août 10, 2022
Sharon, One day four years ago, you decided to send an email to a stranger ? me. More than an email. An offer. A generous willingness on your part to...
juillet 27, 2022
There are exciting new advancements in breast cancer detection. DBC seeks to inform women by sharing information on new technologies so that anyone interested in more information can easily access...
Dense Breasts Canada was honoured to present to the Liberal Women?s Caucus.
juin 15, 2022
What a great meeting! Dense Breasts Canada (DBC) was very grateful to be invited by MP Emmanuella Lambropoulos and the Liberal Women's Caucus to speak to members about the issues...
Have dense breasts? Questions to ask your provider
juin 1, 2022
If you?ve just learned you have dense breasts, we?re happy you now have this information. Dense Breasts are common and normal. About 43% of women have dense breasts. Dense breasts...
juin 1, 2022
We?re excited to announce that our article has been published in Current Oncology. The manuscript, written by Dense Breasts Canada?s co-founders, Jennie Dale and Michelle Di Tomaso, and Victoria Gay,...
Do you have dense breasts? Do you know what to say if your health care provider won?t give you a requisition for an ultrasound?
mai 24, 2022
So, you?ve had a mammogram and learned you have dense breasts. Since dense tissue can mask cancer on a mammogram, you would like additional screening. You need a requisition for...