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Breast screening at age 40 not routinely advised, Canadian task force says.

juillet 3, 2024

People should be able to get a mammogram starting at age 40 but it shouldn’t be routinely offered to women under 50 who are of average risk, new Canadian screening…

Canada won?t lower breast cancer screening guidelines to 40, despite expert pushback

juillet 3, 2024

Canada?s guidelines for routine breast cancer screenings will remain unchanged, despite mounting pressure from medical experts who have labelled them as ?dangerous.?

Sask. breast cancer patients, advocates call for change to new screening guidelines.

juillet 3, 2024

Advocates for breast cancer awareness are calling for reforms to Canada?s new breast cancer screening guidelines that were released last week.

Critics slam Canadian breast screening guidelines.

juillet 3, 2024

Breast imaging organizations and political bodies are criticizing updated guidelines on breast cancer screening by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC).

Task force lambasted for holding firm on breast cancer screening advice.

juillet 3, 2024

Several cancer experts, surgeons and radiologists swiftly condemned a national task force’s draft decision not to lower the recommended routine breast cancer screening age to 40 on Thursday.

These women were told they were too young to get a mammogram. Then they were diagnosed with breast cancer in their 40s

juin 13, 2023

Canadian guidelines say women should start getting mammograms at age 50 unless they have specific risk factors. The U.S. is updating their guideline to start at age 40 and some…

Ontario exploring beginning breast screening ten years earlier ? at age 40 ? something advocates have long pushed for

juin 8, 2023

OTTAWA- November 24, 2021 – Jennifer Quaid, an Ottawa law prof who was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer just after she turned 50. She had asked for a mammogram…

Ultrasound not included in regular screenings for Islanders with high breast density

mai 5, 2022

Officials with Health P.E.I. say ultrasounds are not currently being used within the provincial breast screening program, and they won’t be anytime soon. In 2019, Premier Dennis King’s government promised to…

Rosilene Kraft has Stage 4 breast cancer

février 11, 2022

She was discouraged from getting a mammogram in her 40s because her doctor followed dangerous Canadian breast screening guidelines. Listen

A new website helps navigate the maze of provincial and national breast cancer screening guidelines

octobre 8, 2021

IN2018, 47-year-old Adriana Ermter found a lump in her armpit. Her doctor referred her for a mammogram, but the clinic said it was likely just a calcium deposit. After months…