Tell us about your breast cancer story and please also tell us what you would like women WITHOUT breast cancer to know.
You can also choose to e-mail us your story at Photos are welcome. Thank you for sharing your story and helping to inform other women.
Cathy?s breast density story is different from most. She lived in Toronto for a few years, and her family doctor there sent her to a specialist in 1983 because she had already had one benign breast tumor removed at age 23. She was told she had polycystic fibrous breasts that were denser than normal, and…
C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous écrivons sur le décès de Nancy le 15 novembre 2018. Nancy est décédée de complications liées à un cancer de la moelle osseuse résultant de sa chimiothérapie agressive il y a 13 ans. Elle continuera à nous inspirer. Nancy M. Cappello, Ph.D. est la fondatrice de Are You Dense, et de Are You Dense Advocacy....
I?ve been diagnosed with breast cancer twice. The last time was ten years ago. The first time was at the age of 23. I underwent a left radical mastectomy for a highly aggressive grade three breast cancer. I remained cancer free until 12 years later. At that point, I had two beautiful daughters. I had…
J'ai passé des mammographies annuelles pendant 20 ans, depuis qu'on a diagnostiqué à ma mère un cancer du sein de stade 3 en 1995. D'aussi loin que je me souvienne, j'ai toujours eu les seins très grumeleux et les médecins me disaient que c'était normal et que je devais réduire ma consommation de caféine pour atténuer la sensibilité. Mes seins à l'époque...
Mon Dieu, je suis si heureuse pour ce groupe. Moi aussi, j'ai les seins denses. Lors de ma première mammographie, à l'âge de 40 ans, on m'a dit "vous avez les seins denses". N'ayant pas vraiment obtenu plus d'informations à ce sujet, j'ai effectué des mammographies annuelles régulières. Seize ans plus tard, c'est-à-dire il y a un an, j'ai eu des symptômes inhabituels : des...
I had nipple discharge for as long as I could remember. When I was pregnant (2000), I noticed that it was a brown discharge from my left breast. The doctor assured me that it was the hormones of being pregnant so when I again noticed the discharge from that same breast, again we assumed it…
My story is a little different as I have known for years I’ve had dense breasts – heterogeneously dense, to be precise. This is because my GP told me years ago that my breast tissue made it more difficult to detect cancer. I assumed all doctors discussed this with their patients. Given my mother’s history…
In July 2014 I found two little lumps on my breast while showering. Weird because I hadn?t noticed them before; it was like they had ?floated? up to the skin?s surface overnight. My GP thought it may be hormonal and said she would book an ultrasound, but to give it a month and if they…