Tell us about your breast cancer story and please also tell us what you would like women WITHOUT breast cancer to know.

You can also choose to e-mail us your story at Photos are welcome. Thank you for sharing your story and helping to inform other women.

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I met a friend at a local farm market on September 4th, 2013. She was out socially for the first-time post-mastectomy. The next morning, I was in the shower and remembered how diligent I used to be with self-examination, but since menopause I had been relying on mammograms every two years. As I ran my…

Suite about Cathy


J'aimerais insister sur l'importance pour les femmes d'être proactives en matière de santé, en particulier en ce qui concerne leurs seins. Les mammographies sont importantes, mais elles ne permettent pas de tout détecter, surtout si les seins sont denses. On m'a diagnostiqué un cancer du sein DCIS de stade 3A à l'âge de 52 ans. J'avais des seins denses et j'étais...

Suite about Barbara


I went for my regularly scheduled mammogram in April of 2014. The notice I received for my appointment for my mammogram stated that I was to be screened annually because I had dense breast tissue. This was the first time I had heard that term. When I had my mammogram in Regina, I told the…

Suite about Tannis


I am 49 years old. I?ve been having annual mammograms since 40. I was always told that my breast tissue was very dense, but I had no idea of the implication, or how this might affect me and the chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer. I had felt a lump in my right breast…

Suite about Jodie


Sept. 2015 : J'ai passé une mammographie de routine à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Ayant des seins fibreux, je me faisais généralement examiner tous les deux ans. Octobre 2015 : Le rapport de la mammographie indique que tout va bien - rendez-vous dans deux ans. Nov. 2015 : Lors d'un examen physique de routine, mon médecin généraliste a détecté une petite grosseur dans mon sein droit. Il a demandé une...

Suite about Janet


En avril 2013, j'ai découvert sous la douche une très petite grosseur ressemblant à un pois sur mon sein gauche. Je ne me suis pas inquiétée outre mesure, car la plupart de ces petites grosseurs peuvent être des kystes bénins. Cependant, je savais que je devais consulter mon médecin de famille. Mon médecin de famille n'était pas du tout inquiet, mais il a décidé que je devais...

Suite about Cathy


In May 2015, I had a regularly scheduled mammogram, with normal results. I got my letter in the mail and all was fine. Seven months later, at Christmas time, I was taking a shower and felt a lump.  I thought it was a cyst, as I had cysts decades prior and plus it was only…

Suite about Yvonne


My story really consists of 2 problems that got missed using mammogram and ultrasound. In November 2012, I found a lump in my right breast. I was sent for a mammogram and ultrasound. I was told I had cysts and there was nothing to be concerned about. On November 26th, 2014 I went for my…

Suite about Naomi


Je m'appelle Lorraine et je suis originaire de la magnifique Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Je suis devenue citoyenne canadienne en 1998, mais je suis née en Afrique du Sud. J'ai eu ma première "grosseur" au sein gauche deux ans après la naissance de mon premier enfant, alors que je vivais encore en Afrique du Sud en 1981. Je me souviens...

Suite about Lorraine