Concerns about the 2024 draft breast screening guidelines.

On May 30, 2024, The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Task Force) released its draft breast cancer screening guidelines. Dense Breasts Canada is deeply concerned that the guideline update process lacked accountability, transparency, scientific rigour, equity, objectivity, and credibility. These guidelines are simply dangerous and need to be revised. We recommend the Task Force be disbanded and rebuilt.

The concerns below were brought to the attention of Minister Mark Holland, senior officials in Minister Holland's office and the leadership of the Public Health Agency of Canada over the past  years. The Minister on May 30th held a press conference and expressed his concern and disappointment. He outlined a plan to review the processes, membership and evidence. Here is his statement.

We hope to see the government take accountability and ensure the safety of Canadians. Canadians deserve guidelines based on current science and that recognize our diverse population.

Please read our concerns in the FAQ below and consider adding your voice by emailing Minister Holland


Summary of Dense Breast Canada's concerns.

  • The Task Force panel has interfered with the evidence review group by dictating old studies (RCTs) from the 1960s to 1980s be included in the evidence review.
  • The Task Force panel shows a poor understanding of the science as seen by their insistence on using old studies. These studies were conducted under conditions that are not reflective of modern cancer detection and treatment. One of the studies is corrupted.
  • The Task Force continues to undervalue the demonstrated benefits of screening, and overemphasize so called "harms."
  • Systemic racism is an issue due to the use of old studies that had predominantly white participants.
  • 10/12 provinces/territories have lost confidence in the Task Force decisions and are making their own guidelines based on current evidence, leading to different practices across the country.
  • There is silo-ing of information due to the use of multiple evidence review centres in the guideline making process.
  • The Task Force is an arms length, independent body. However, it is missing a governance mechanism to oversee its procedures and ensure the well-being and safety of Canadians.
  • The leaders of the Task Force appear to be biased. They seem to have a strong opinion about the harms of screening. They announced the result of the update before reviewing the evidence. Publicly, they said there's no need to change the guidelines from 2018.
  • Similar concerns about the Task Force are held by various other specialties and can be read about ici



  1. Rebuild the Task Force to include an accountability structure and governance mechanisms.
  2. Allow breast cancer screening experts and patients to vote on the final guidelines.
  3. Rebuild the Task Force to include transparency of the entire review process.
  4. Rebuild the Task Force to include ethics oversight and address the bias and impartiality of Task Force leadership
  5. Address gender and racial bias in the evidence review process and working group.
  6. Change the weighting of the evidence to emphasize more modern evidence that includes a diverse population.
  7. Address silo-ing from evidence review centres.
  8. Monitor outcomes of guidelines
  9. Address research gaps

Recommendations are expanded upon in this report. Coming July 10th.


Concerns about the current Guidelines.

Pourquoi les directives de dépistage du cancer du sein sont trompeuses et dangereuses?